Leçons - Lessons Contact Marius Dragoi 438 989 6886 - mariusstaff@yahoo.com
Pour toutes les leçons vous devez êtres membres de Tennis Roxboro - For all lessons, you must be members of Tennis Roxboro.
Private Lesson: 65$
Semi-Private Lesson: 70$
Group Lesson 3 OR 4 : 30$ Each
Interclub training : 25$
Contact Marius Dragoi High Performance Coach 3 Canada
Beginner -Advanced beginner
Monday -Wednesday 10h00-11h15
Monday -Wednesday 11h15-11h30
1 hour 15 -day
2 days-week
Tuesday -Thursday 12h00-13h15
Tuesday -Thursday 13h15-15h00
1 hour 15 -day
2 days-week
weekly registration
Weekend Program -all ages
Saturday 9h00-10h15
Saturday 10h15-11h30
Saturday 11h30-12h45
Saturday 12h45-14h00
1h15 min
4 weeks
6 hours
Price -120$
Weekend Program -all ages
Sunday 9h00-10h15
Sunday 10h15-11h30
Sunday 11h30-12h45
Sunday 12h45-14h00
1h15 min
4 weeks
6 hours
Price -120$
High Performance
Monday -Wednesday -Friday
2 hours/day
3 days-week
weekly registration
120$ /week
High Performance
Summer Session High Performance
Tuesday -Thursday
2 hours/day
2 days-week
weekly registration
Ladies Interclub Official trainings
Monday 8-10 am (OPEN, 12 SPOTS)
Tuesday 8-10 am (OPEN ,12 SPOTS)
Tuesday 5-7 pm (OPEN , 12 SPOTS )
Wednesday 8-10 am (OPEN. 12 SPOTS)
Wednesday 10-12 am (CLOSED , 12 SPOTS LEVEL 2 ONLY)
Wednesday 5-7 pm (OPEN , 12 spots, trial)
Players will be submitted to cover the interclub registration fees in the beginning of the season.
Trainings over 12 players will have a 2nd coach.
Always 3 courts reserved , therefore communication with the coaches, captains or Julie Sunday to cancel a court if need it.
Regular new balls and equipment, cones, ball machine, training tools will be facilitated by the pro and put out for the players need.
Price of the 2 hour clinic training is 25 $ , trainings over 10 players will have a 2nd coach.
We will be using Spond app to confirm practices, matches, registration for matches etc.
1 .Saturday or Sunday maximum communication with Marius for the Monday numbers of Womens presents.
This way we can cancel a court if we only have 10-12 ladies. We have4 courts always reserved.
2. Talk about the line up possible so the practice can have the 6 girls that will be playing to practice a bit together during the Monday.